Accreditation and Recognition
An ISO -2015 Certified Institution

Accreditation and Recognition
Incorporated in the State of Delware, USA.
American National Business University - USA
American National Business University – USA has helped thousands of people achieve their desired goals; goals which without the correct certification would have been unattainable. ANBU University provides a unique service of accrediting people based on their past experiences and knowledge through the route of Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL).
American National Business University – USA has helped thousands of people achieve their desired goals; goals which without the correct certification would have been unattainable. ANBU University provides a unique service of accrediting people based on their past experiences and knowledge through the route of Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL).
APL, which is also known as a non-traditional award, is an umbrella term which covers both prior certificated learning and experiential learning. Certificated learning, known as the APCL (Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning) recognizes efforts made and recognized by certificates, whether in an educational establishment or within the workplace. Experiential learning, known as the APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning) recognized an individual’s knowledge gained from experience, which generally happens within the workplace. Although the APEL and APCL assume that individuals are taught by somebody, there are many whose learning comes as a result of self-motivated studying, interests and hobbies. For example, how many people do you know who taught themselves and are specialists in their field.